Sunday, October 16, 2011

Free Ebook

In celebration of the upcoming release of Tala (Blue Moon Trilogy Book One), Layla is now available at for free.  Simply go to, click on Layla and enter this code: XV98C.  Code expires November 1!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tala 2

I have decided to self publish.  I had a small publisher interested in the manuscript, but they do not publish parts of a series and seeing as how the rest of the series is not yet complete, I decided to simply self-publish.  I am also currently looking for reviewers.  If you want to review my book, contact me and I will send you a copy.  Hey, its a good way to get it for free!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


So I completed Tala about a month ago and put it down to marinate.  I was originally trying to find a traditional publisher, but I am thinking I may simply self-publish and get a traditional publisher later on.  Working on something new and so not about werewolves to refocus my energy and to keep my spirits up.  Still excited about the Blue Moon Trilogy and the review on Layla!!  (Go to the Layla page for more info on the review).